Digital Marketer

I Write About Tech, Businesses & Digital Marketing

Passionate about helping businesses thrive online. From designing user-friendly websites to crafting authentic content and optimizing for search engines optimization, Make your digital journey smooth and successful. Let’s connect and bring your brand’s story to life in the digital world.

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The story of

Smn Nishad


When I studied in secondary school, I wanted to grow up to be a Computer Engineer or to Study English Department in any Public University. But I was forcefully admitted to Arts Department in class 9 and my hope of becoming an engineer ended.


After my father was Diagnosed with Throat Cancer earlier in the year, he lost his job and our family was in dire straits. My elder sister works at an EPJet in Dhaka and takes care of the family and my father’s treatment. At that time I was a 10th standard student.


At the beginning of the year, my 10th final exam started, I finished the exam and seeing my father’s condition, I went to Dhaka to look for work against everyone to earn money. But no one gave me a job because of my age, when I was 16 years old.

One day my father called and started crying and told me to come home. The next day I left for home and 2 days before the result of my 10th class final exam, my father passed away in my arms.

From where the chapter of my life begins