The Unseen Struggles within Zeysha Group: An Insider’s Perspective

Zeysha Group:

Zeysha Group, a name that resonates with many in Dhaka, houses several companies under its umbrella, including Star Associates Limited, ECO Trading Limited, Hashem Real Estates Limited, Zeysha Fashionwear Limited, Zeysha Properties Limited, and Zeysha Knitex Limited. Despite its impressive portfolio and widespread recognition, my experience working for Star Associates Limited revealed a grim reality that lurks behind the corporate façade. Here’s my story—a cautionary tale for anyone considering a position within Zeysha Group.

Joining Star Associates Limited: A Desperate Decision

In September 2022, the job market was unforgiving. Unemployment was high, and opportunities were scarce. So when I got an offer to work as an IT Executive at Star Associates Limited, I grabbed it, even though the salary was just 12,000 BDT per month. I didn’t have much of a choice. But what I didn’t know was that this job would bring more hardship than relief.

Just a few days after starting, I was hit with a bombshell: I wouldn’t be paid for the first three months. This crucial detail was conveniently left out during the hiring process. With no other prospects in sight, I had no option but to stay and endure the financial strain.

The Reality of Working Conditions: Delayed Salaries and Unfair Treatment

Those first three months were a nightmare, and it didn’t get much better after that. Instead of receiving my full salary, I often got only half or faced delays of up to 1.5 months. at last, I hoped for an Eid bonus to ease my financial stress, but that hope was dashed when I was told I hadn’t completed a full year of service, There were 2 months left. The constant uncertainty and lack of financial stability made it impossible to plan or save for the future.

The workplace environment was equally disheartening. Most high-ranking officials were relatives of the owner, and their behavior towards junior employees was nothing respectable. The toxic atmosphere fostered by these officials created a culture of fear and resentment.It was not only me who was ill-treated, but those who were of lower rank also suffered this treatment

The Toxic Leadership of Mehedi Hasan

The most troubling aspect of my time at Zeysha Group was dealing with the owner, Mr. Mehedi Hasan, the Managing Director of  Zeysha Group and Star Associates Limited. Known for his harsh and aggressive demeanor, Mr. Mehadi Hasan treated employees as if they were expendable. His privileged background, being the son of a wealthy family and married to the daughter of the owner of Orion Group, seemed to fuel his dismissive attitude towards staff.

Mr. Mehadi Hasan’s leadership style was not only ineffective but also demoralizing. He would often call me for tasks that had nothing to do with my job as an IT Executive. From handling marketing tasks to running personal errands, my workload grew while my salary did not. At one point, he even assigned me to manage social media and website design for his restaurant, a responsibility far outside my job description. It was demeaning and exhausting, but I had no choice but to comply.

A Questionable Corporate Culture: Unethical Practices and Financial Mismanagement

What was most troubling was the apparent unethical practices within Zeysha Group. While lower-level employees struggled with unpaid salaries and mounting debts, senior officials were living luxuriously. Many had multiple properties in Dhaka, a stark contrast to the financial instability faced by their subordinates. This discrepancy raised serious questions about the sources of their wealth.

The financial mismanagement was evident. Despite the company’s inability to pay its employees on time, senior officials seemed to be thriving, often flaunting their wealth. This environment of corruption and favoritism was not only demoralizing but also deeply unjust. How could they afford such luxuries when the company was failing to meet its basic obligations to its employees?

Overburdened and Undervalued

As an IT Executive, my primary responsibilities included managing computer hardware, software, and internet systems. However, I was frequently tasked with additional roles such as marketing, banking errands, and even personal tasks for senior officials. Despite these efforts, my contributions were undervalued, and my salary remained stagnant at 12,000 BDT, reflecting a deep lack of appreciation and fair compensation.

Every day was a struggle to keep up with the demands placed on me. The workload was immense, and the expectations were unrealistic. I was doing the job of several people, and yet, there was no acknowledgment of my hard work or dedication. The stress was overwhelming, and the lack of support made it even harder to cope.

The Final Straw: Breaking Point

After enduring a hostile work environment and financial instability for over a year, I decided it was time to leave. In November 2023, I secured a new job and submitted my resignation. Initially, my resignation was met with resistance, but I was promised that I could leave if I found better employment.

When I transitioned to my new role, I was still owed three months of salary by Zeysha Group. Despite countless calls, messages to the Admin and Accounts Manager even emails to Mr. Mehadi Hasan, my attempts to recover my due wages were ignored. The financial strain and emotional toll of this unresolved issue remain with me to this day.

Conclusion: A Cautionary Tale

My experience with Zeysha Group and Star Associates Limited is a testament to the hardships faced by many employees within such organizations. The lack of fair compensation, humane treatment, and ethical practices paints a grim picture of the corporate culture within Zeysha Group.

For anyone considering employment with Zeysha Group or its subsidiaries, I urge you to think carefully and research thoroughly. Institutions like Zeysha Group must be held accountable for their treatment of employees to ensure a more just and supportive work environment.

The story of Zeysha Group is not just mine but a reflection of the struggles faced by many people. It is a stark reminder of the importance of integrity and fairness in the workplace. Let this serve as a warning and a call for change in corporate practices, ensuring that no one else has to endure what I and many others have experienced.

NB: As an IT executive I had and have many valid and invalid information about the Zeysha group with proof I never again and again could not take any bad concerns because I couldn’t do it.

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